今年もシマネジェットフェス2024クラウドファンディングがキッキオフしました! 今年は7/1から9/1です。 […]
5/8までWiLDZERO2 制作クラウドファンディングKickstarter Start!!!
1999年に制作されたギターウルフの”WiLDZERO” ロックンローラーがゾンビと戦うロックンロールジェット […]
ワイルドゼロ爆音上映会!! エドガーライトも絶賛する1999年に制作されたロックンロールジェット […]
シマネジェットフェス2023を成功させるためクラウドファンディングをやっています。 皆さんの熱いご支援無くして […]
『ギターウルフsuper new』“SUPER NEW DRUM WOLF “TAKURO” 日本御披露目フリーライブ!!! “
7/22(SAT)荻窪Top BEAT Clubにてお昼12時からギターウルフニュードラマータクロウの完全披露 […]
2024.10/12(Sat) , 10/13(Sun) @島根・古墳の丘古曽志公園/島根・松江AZTiC canova
シマネジェットフェス・ヤマタノオロチライジング2024開催決定!! 今年も古墳の丘が熱く燃えます!! 詳細はこ […]
2024.9/4(Wed) @Flowers LOFT
Flowers LOFT 4th Anniversary × 新宿LOFT歌舞伎町移転25周年記念共同企画 『Flowers LOFT 4th Anniversary 2MAN SHOW』
2024/9/4(水) Flowers LOFT 4th Anniversary × 新宿LOFT歌舞伎町移転 […]
2024.8/31(Sat) @Spotify O-WEST
ロッケンロー★サミット2024 ー鳥になった男たちへー
ロッケンロー★サミット2024 ー鳥になった男たちへー 2024年08月31日(土) 11:45 OPEN / […]
2024.8/4(Sun) @京都 POP!PIZZA!
「サマーツアー2024 夏の夜空にUFO!」
2024年8月4日(日) 京都POP!PIZZA! OPEN 17:30 START 18:30 チケット […]
2024.8/3(Sat) @広島 club CONQUEST
「サマーツアー2024 夏の夜空にUFO!」
2024年8月3日 (土) 広島club CONQUEST OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 チ […]
A lot of japanese Rock'n roll fan's really look up to Guitar Wolf. They are Rock'n roll heroes in existence. They are special to us like no other. They have been making a lot of legends and playing sound the impulse as always from 90s. Their music is very extreme and very loud; just like Rock'n roll should be. Seiji's lyrics have a sense of individual humor and evoked a sense of "Galaxy" & "The Showa". The three guys cover themselves with a black leather that their sound is the same as a long time ago. They are always prusuing their style. Their perseverence had an effect on each others. Guitar Wolf has always pushed forward, beyond the boundaries of any one-dimensional rock trio. They will go on increasing Guitar wolf avid fans all over the world. Guitar Wolf were formed in 1987. Originally formed by Seiji and Billy (Bass,Vo). After that, Toru has joined Guitar Wolf. Goner Records(independent label based in US,Memphis)released "Wolf Rock",Guitar Wolf's debut LP, in 1993. After that,they signed up a contract with "Matador Records"(A Representative independent label of US) In 1997,They debuted with a major label " Ki/oon Records" in Japan. And, they released "狼惑星" at the same time. Guitar Wolf has released 12 albums to this day. And,they played not only Japan but also US,EU,AUS and Southern America. They work on a worldwide level. In 2005, Billy died. Almighty U.G and Hikart had joined Guter Wolf. After then, GOTZ is new menber in 2018. In 2022,11th March,Toru left.